HowStuffWorks Newsletter Quiz

By:Madison Orradre|
Stretch your brain with weekly tests of knowledge from the HowStuffWorks newsletter.NicoElNino/SHUTTERSTOCK

Answers for Apr. 29, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Hike Naked Day is a way hikers celebrate the summer solstice on the Appalachian Trail.

True.Nudity is not illegal in national parks so on the first day of summer, aka the summer solstice, people will hike the Appalachian Trail in the nude to celebrate Hike Naked Day.


阅读更多:裸露在国家公园,不是非法的But Don't Do Anything Weird

2.In which national park was the hottest official temperature recorded on Earth?

  • Acadia National Park
  • Death Valley National Park
  • Haleakalā National Park
  • Joshua Tree National Park

On Aug. 16, 2020, in Death Valley National Park, the hottest temperature officially recorded on Earth occurred at a sizzling 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The feat was repeated on July 11, 2021.

Read More: Inside Death Valley, the Hottest Place on Earth

3.Which famous actor is said to be “the glue that held Hollywood together"?

  • Anne Hathaway
  • Blake Lively
  • Kevin Bacon
  • Tom Cruise

Ever played the pop-culture parlor game “Six Degrees of Bacon"? It was invented by three college students in 1994 who realized that Kevin Bacon was the glue that held Hollywood together when you considered all the movies he had appeared in. This game was inspired by Stanley Milgrim’s theory “The Small World Problem'' aka known as “Six Degrees of Separation.”

Read More: What Does the Term 'Six Degrees of Separation' Mean?

4.True or false: Every state in the U.S. has a national park within its borders.

假的。Twenty-two states have no national parks. They include: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin. You could take Idaho off the list since part of Yellowstone is located there.

Read More: What's the Difference Between a National Park and National Monument?

5. Which isnota principle of Kaizen?

  • Be the Boss
  • Go to Gemba
  • Know your Customer
  • Let it Flow

Be the boss is not a principle of Kaizen. The five principles of Kaizen are: know your customer, let it flow, go to gemba, empower people and be transparent.

Read More: What Is Kaizen and How Do You Use It in the Workplace?

Answers for Apr. 22, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Plum Island is not open to the public.

假的。Plum Island is open to the public. The beach at Sandy Point State Reservation is open to the public for swimming and sunbathing.

Read More: The Mystery, Myth and Reality of Plum Island

2.In which city is the Human Library headquartered?

  • Cairo, Egypt
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Paris, France
  • New York City, USA

The Human Library still has its headquarters in Copenhagen, but Human Libraries have been held on every continent in the world.

Read More: Check Out the Human Library, Where the Books Are People

3.What is the name of the operation during which the government first started studying UFOs?

  • Operation Flying Object
  • Operation Orange Book
  • Project Blue Book
  • 项目E.T.

The first time a U.S. government agency studied UFOs was called Project Blue Book, and it took place in the 1950s and '60s.

Read More: Scientists Want You to Say 'UAPs', Not 'UFOs'

4.True or false: A sitting president or vice president can refuse Secret Service protection while in office.

假的。A sitting president or vice president cannot refuse Secret Service protection while in office, but other members of the president’s family can, as can former presidents.

Read More: If a U.S. President Goes to Prison, Does the Secret Service Go, Too?

5. Which historical figure has a song named after them in the Tony Award-winning musical, “Hamilton?”

  • Abigail Adams
  • John Wilkes Booth
  • Martha Washington
  • Theodosia Burr Alston

If you're a fan of the musical "Hamilton," you undoubtedly remember a song in Act I titled "Dear Theodosia," in which Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton's rival and eventual killer, professes his love for his young daughter. That daughter, Theodosia Burr Alston, never actually appears in the musical.

Read More: The Mysterious Disappearance of Aaron Burr's Daughter, Theodosia

Answers for Apr. 15, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: One big difference between terracotta and porcelain is that terracotta is never fired to full vitrification.

True.Vitrification is when fired clay becomes glassy, hard and non-porous. So terracotta, when unglazed, remains porous, unlike porcelain.

Read More: From Plant Pots to Ancient Armies, Terracotta Is Universal

2.这水道规划布局tes Alaska and Russia?

  • The Atlantic Ocean
  • The Bering Strait
  • The Panama Canal
  • The Suez Canal

The Bering Strait separates Russia and Alaska with 55 miles (88.5 kilometers) of ocean at its narrowest point between the Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia) and Seward Peninsula (U.S.).

Read More: How Far Is Russia From Alaska?

3.Which three vegetables make up the famous "three sisters" combination?

  • corn, beans and squash
  • dill, pumpkins and tomatoes
  • garlic, scallions and chives
  • tomatoes, basil and peppers

One of the earliest and best-known examples of companion planting is what the Iroquois called "the three sisters": corn, beans and squash. The cornstalk grows quickly, creating a natural pole for the bean plant to climb. The squash spreads its leaves and shallow roots around the base of the bean and corn plants, keeping down weeds and shading the soil. The beans provide nitrogen that helps the squash grow.

Read More: Companion Planting: The Do's and Don'ts of Growing Plants Together

4.True or false: The Aurora Borealis and STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement) are the same.

假的。The Aurora Borealis and STEVE are both optical phenomena, but that’s where the similarities end. They appear in different parts of the sky, take different instruments to measure and both form differently.

Read More: That's Not the Aurora Borealis, That's Just STEVE

5. Snails and slugs are a member of what animal group?

  • amphibians
  • birds
  • gastropods
  • mammals

Snails and slugs are members of a large group of related animals known as mollusks, which also includes clams, oysters, squids and octopuses. Within mollusks, there's a smaller set of related animals called gastropods; this includes snails and slugs.

Read More: Why Are Snails and Slugs So, Well, Sluggish?

Answers for Apr. 8, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: It is easy to sneak up on a squirrel.

假的。松鼠有非常敏锐的视力。他们peripheral vision is as good as their focal eyesight. They can see what's above and beside them without moving their heads, making it hard to sneak up on them.

Read More: 5 Things You Didn't Know About Squirrels

2.Which of the following is not one of the most commonly used road names in the U.S.?

  • First
  • Main
  • Maple
  • Third

The most commonly used road names in the U.S. are Main, First, Second, Park and Maple. So Third does not make the list.

Read More: What's the Difference Between an Avenue, a Road and a Boulevard?

3.Which company originally started in the textile business before reinventing itself as a powerful investment firm?

  • Apple
  • Berkshire Hathaway
  • LG
  • Nokia

In 1955, Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates and Hathaway Manufacturing Co. merged to create Berkshire Hathaway. Later, the CEO of this textile company angered Warren Buffett, who bought a majority stake in the company, forced the owners out and eliminated the textile business, creating a global investment powerhouse: Berkshire Hathaway.

Read More: 12 Companies That Completely Reinvented Themselves

4.True or false: Tree squirrels use a mnemonic technique called "spatial chunking" to sort out and bury their nuts.

True.According to professors in the Department of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, tree squirrels use a mnemonic technique called "spatial chunking" to sort out and bury their nut scores by size, type, and perhaps nutritional value and taste.

Read More: Squirrels Actually Organize Their Nut Hoard — Here's Why

5. In which modern-day country did the 1962 Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic take place?

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda

In 1962, in a small, British-run boarding school in a remote town on the coast of Lake Victoria in Tanganyika (now Tanzania), three girls began laughing — possibly in response to a joke — and couldn't stop. The laughter then spread to the rest of the school and surrounding areas, becoming the 1962 Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic.

Read More: Not So Funny: The Mysterious 1962 Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic

Answers for Apr. 1, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: You should put stained clothing in the dryer when the stain is still present.

假的。Never put stained clothing in the dryer if the stain is still present. The heat will then set the stain permanently.

Read More: 6 Ways to Clean White Baseball Pants That Actually Work

2.In which state is it illegal to pump your own gas?

  • California
  • Georgia
  • New Jersey
  • Vermont

It is illegal in New Jersey to pump your own gas. The official ban on self-serve gas in Jersey began in 1949 with the Retail Gasoline Dispensing Safety Act, citing safety concerns like fire hazards. Since then, a gas station attendant must pump your gas.

Read More: Why Can't You Pump Your Own Gas in New Jersey?

3.Which solution kills mold?

  • lemon juice
  • soap
  • WD-40
  • white vinegar

White vinegar is suitable for disinfecting and cleaning stubborn mold stains. Simply spray undiluted white vinegar onto the mold-infected areas.

Read More: How to Get Mold Out of Clothes

4.True or false: Cream of tartar occurs naturally in many plants.

True.Cream of tartar actually occurs naturally in many plants and is a natural byproduct of the winemaking process.

Read More: 10 Uses for Cream of Tartar That Don't Involve Cooking

5. Why is it that Lewis and Clark might have wanted to bring Sacagawea, not her husband, on their expedition?

  • She knew the terrain well.
  • She was fearless.
  • She was resourceful.
  • She was a Shoshone translator.

Lewis and Clark might have wanted to bring Sacagawea more than her husband because they were looking for a Shoshone translator. Charbonneau only spoke Hidatsa and French. But they couldn't hire a woman; they had to hire her husband.

Read More: How a Teenage Sacagawea Guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition Into Immortality

Answers for Mar. 25, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: The occipital lobe is the gatekeeper of human fear.

假的。The amygdala has been referred to as “the gatekeeper of human fear” because it is associated with memory storage and the processing of emotions like anger, pleasure and fear.

Read More: The Amygdala: Gatekeeper of Human Fear

2.What is the deepest lake in the world?

  • Crater Lake
  • Lake Baikal
  • Lake Como
  • Lake Vostok

Lake Baikal, located in Siberia, is the deepest lake in the world, clocking in at 5,387 feet. It is also the world's oldest lake, and its largest lake by volume of water.

Read More: How Deep Is the Deepest Lake in the World?

3.Which is not a common trigger of trypophobia?

  • cucumbers
  • insect eyes
  • sea sponges
  • pomegranates

Trypophobia is a fear or disgust of closely packed holes. A few common triggers of trypophobia include: insect eyes, pomegranates and sea sponges.

Read More: Why Are People With Trypophobia Horrified By Holes?

4.True or false: The University of Connecticut has the most successful women's college basketball team in the U.S.

True.The University of Connecticut has won the women's NCAA championship 11 times, including four times in a row between 2013 and 2016.

Read More: How March Madness Works

5. What species is Hyperion, the world’s tallest tree?

  • banyan
  • coast redwood
  • pine
  • weeping willow

The world’s tallest tree, Hyperion, is a coast redwood located in Redwood National Park. This tree is an average height of 360 feet (116 meters) tall, and its trunk is just over 16 feet (4.94 meters) in diameter. That’s as tall as a 35-story building.

Read More: These Giants Are the 7 Tallest Trees in the World

Answers for Mar. 18, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Hedy Lamarr never received a penny for her "secret communications system" even though she had a patent for the invention.

True.Lamarr never received a penny for her invention because her patent had expired by the time the U.S. Navy implemented the system nearly two decades later.

Read More: How Hollywood Screen Siren Hedy Lamarr Helped Pioneer WiFi and GPS

2.Which fruit is known as the "Queen of Fruit?"

  • acai
  • mangosteen
  • noni
  • tamarillo

Popular in southeast Asia, mangosteen fruit is purple on the inside with a thick rind. It’s known for a light, citrusy flavor, as well as high levels of vitamin C.

Read More: Pretty Cool Produce: The Exotic Fruits and Veggies Quiz

3.What type of cipher did Mary, Queen of Scots use to encrypt her letters?

  • playfair
  • polygraphic
  • transposition
  • substitution

Mary, Queen of Scots used a substitution cipher that replaced each word with a unique symbol.

Read More: Why Historical Cryptologists Need to Be 'Part Mozart, Part Accountant'

4.True or false: In the northern hemisphere, the stars of the Big Dipper are always visible.

True.All the stars of the Big Dipper are visible no matter the time of night or time of year, as long as you have a clear northern horizon.

Read More: Surprise! The Big Dipper Is an Asterism, Not a Constellation

5. What isnot盆栽土壤中的一种成分吗?

  • compost
  • dirt
  • earthworm castings
  • perlite

There's no actual dirt in potting soil. Potting soil usually contains a combination of Canadian sphagnum peat moss, composted or aged bark, compost, earthworm castings, horticultural grade perlite, pumice or cinders and controlled-release fertilizer.

Read More: What's In Potting Soil? Everything But Soil

Answers for Mar. 11, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Martha Jane Canary earned the nickname “Calamity Jane” around 1875, during the Newton-Jenney expedition.

True.Canary earned the nickname “Calamity Jane” during the Newton-Jenney expedition, which was intended to determine the quality and quantity of gold in the Black Hills. An expert said, "She had wandered off one day and the soldiers thought it would be a 'calamity' if she were captured or killed."

Read More: Calamity Jane Rode Hard, Drank Even Harder and Became a Wild West Legend

2.What is the longest motorway in the world?

  • China National Highway 318
  • Interstate 90/\r\n/
  • Pan-American Highway/\r\n/
  • U.S. Route 6/\r\n/

According to the Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the longest motorway in the world, covering almost 19,000 miles.

Read More: Ever Driven Any of the 9 Longest Roads in the World?

3.大脑的哪一部分是参与synthesizing different kinds of information to create memories?

  • amygdala
  • hippocampus/\r\n/
  • pituitary gland/\r\n/
  • thalamus/\r\n/

The hippocampus helps synthesize different kinds of information to create memories.

Read More: How Having an Imagination Sets Us Apart and Makes Us Human

4.True or false: "Doc" Holliday practiced dentistry./\r\n/

True.Holliday attended Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery and later practiced dentistry in stops that included St. Louis, Atlanta and Dallas.

Read More: 5 Facts About the Wild West's Deadly 'Doc' Holliday

5. How did Wyatt Earp die?

  • gunfight at the O.K. Corral
  • natural causes/\r\n/
  • overdose/\r\n/
  • tuberculosis/\r\n/

Wyatt Earp, who never was wounded in a gunfight, died at age 80 of natural causes.

Read More: Wyatt Earp Wasn't the Fastest Gunslinger in the West and That Didn't Matter

Answers for Mar. 4, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: The Instant Pot offers more control than a pressure cooker.

True.While both the Instant Pot and pressure cookers are still used widely, there's no denying that the level of control you get from an Instant Pot is second to none. The Instant Pot allows users to have more control over what they cook.

Read More: What's the Difference Between a Pressure Cooker and an Instant Pot?

2.Which country made the “shoey” popular?

  • Australia
  • England
  • Russia
  • United States

"Shoey" is Australian slang for having a celebratory drink out of a shoe. As a cultural phenomenon, the shoey represents overcoming adversity — literally drinking out of the vessels that got you over the line. Australians have claimed the shoey, but they're not the only ones to partake in the practice.

Read More: What in the World Is a 'Shoey'?

3.Which isnota requirement to serve on a jury?

  • being over 21
  • being a U.S. citizen
  • having sufficient knowledge of English to understand the proceedings
  • being a resident of the county where the trial is taking place

Being over 21 years of age is not a requirement to serve on a jury. The required age to serve on a jury is 18.

Read More: Why Do Some People Get Called for Jury Duty More Than Others?

4.True or false: In 2031, NASA plans to plunge the International Space Station into the waters of Point Nemo.

True.After more than 30 years of service, NASA plans to plunge the International Space Station into the waters of Point Nemo in 2031. NASA expects the ISS to be able to operate safely through 2030.

Read More: Point Nemo: Where Spacecraft Go to Die

5. Which kitchen device is derivative of the European dumbwaiter?

  • food processor
  • lazy Susan
  • napkin holder
  • spatula

The lazy Susan may be derivative of the European dumbwaiter, which was a piece of furniture situated near the hostess at a dinner table. It was used to store things such as desserts, cheeses, silver and extra plates — anything the hostess might need to access quickly.

Read More: Why Is That Rotating Tray a Lazy Susan, Not an Apathetic Amy?


February 25, 2023

Answers for Feb. 25, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Mardi Gras Day is set to occur 46 days before Easter.

True.The date of Mardi Gras changes every year because it corresponds with Easter, which also moves around the calendar. This means Mardi Gras can come as early as Feb. 3 or as late as March 9.


Read More: How Mardi Gras Works

2.Which Supreme Court case decided racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional?

  • Abood v. Detroit Board of Education
  • Brown v. Board of Education
  • Loving v. Virginia
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

布朗诉教育委员会决定种族segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional. The impact of the decision changed the face of public education in the U.S. and set the stage for the civil rights movement of the 20th century.

Read More: Brown v. Board Wasn't the First Case to Challenge Jim Crow in Schools

3.Who was voted People Magazine's "Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive" in 2000?

  • Amy Mainzer
  • Carl Sagan
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Neil deGrasse Tyson was voted People Magazine's "Sexiest Astrophysicist Alive" in 2000. His more professional accomplishments include adviser on the aerospace industry to President George W. Bush and director of the Hayden Planetarium at New York City's American Museum of Natural History.

Read More: 10 Black Scientists You Should Know

4.True or false: Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the first female justice ever to serve on the Supreme Court.

假的。Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the first Jewish female — and second female justice ever — to serve on the Supreme Court. The first female justice to serve on the Supreme Court was Sandra Day O'Connor.

Read More: 10 Essential Supreme Court Cases of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

5. Your eBay sales can be a maximum of __________ before you must pay income tax on your earnings.

  • $10,000
  • $20,000
  • $30,000
  • $40,000

On eBay, you can have a maximum of $20,000 in sales or a maximum of 200 transactions before you must pay income tax on your earnings.

Read More: Do You Have to Pay Income Tax on Stuff Sold on eBay?


February 18, 2023

Answers for Feb. 18, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Liqueurs are liquors with other ingredients added.

True.Producers add sugar to liqueurs to make them sweeter, along with oils, herbs, florals or fruits. These additions to liqueurs are the main difference between liquor and liqueur.


Read More: What's the Difference Between Liquor and Liqueur?

2.What is a con of owning a soapstone countertop?

  • It can be easily scratched or damaged.
  • It contains dangerous chemicals.
  • It’s prone to staining.
  • It’s sensitive to heat.

The natural stone contains no chemicals, is impermeable (and therefore stain-resistant) and can withstand heat without taking damage. However, soapstone’s softness makes it vulnerable to scratches. On the Mohs Hardness Scale, which ranks minerals from 1 to 10 based on hardness (with diamonds ranking 10 and talc at a 1), soapstone falls between a 1 and 5, meaning it is rather soft. This softness allows it to be used for other purposes besides countertops but also means it can be easily damaged. This would be considered a con to owning soapstone.

Read More: What Are the Pros and Cons of Soapstone Countertops?

3.Who gave a speech prior to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?

  • Andrew Johnson
  • Edward Everett
  • Mary Todd Lincoln
  • Stephen Douglas

Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address was second in line that day to the orator Edward Everett, who spent two spellbinding hours relating the battle to the crowd. Lincoln followed with his two-minute, three-paragraph gem.

Read More: 9 Little-known Nuggets About Honest Abe

4.True or false: Toothpaste is good for cleaning jewelry.

假的。This is a common myth. Toothpaste is actually too corrosive for many metals and gemstones. Opt for a few drops of dish soap in a warm bowl of water instead.

Read More: 9 Great Uses for Toothpaste Besides Brushing Your Teeth

5. What song is considered the most memorable K-pop breakout?

  • "After Like"
  • "Gangnam Style"
  • “Pink Venom”
  • "Run BTS"

The most memorable K-pop breakout was Psy's 2012 international hit "Gangnam Style," which had K-pop fans all over the world doing a dance where you pretend to ride a tiny pony. It also proved that an international K-pop idol music hit didn't necessarily require English lyrics.

Read More: From BTS to BLACKPINK: How K-pop Took Over the Music World


February 11, 2023

Answers for Feb. 11, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: The bright red look of maraschino cherries is natural.

假的。Maraschino cherries get their bright red coloring by being soaked in a brining solution and then soaked in a solution made up of sugar syrup, red dye No. 40 and almond flavoring.


Read More: You Don't Want to Know How Maraschino Cherries Are Made

2.Who invented the gas mask?

  • Garrett Morgan
  • George Washington Carver
  • Jan Matzeliger
  • Sarah Goode

Garrett Morgan didn’t just invent the gas mask; he also developed an early prototype of the traffic signal. His inventions saved countless lives.

Read More: Top Inventions by African American Inventors

3.Ophiocordyceps fungus plays an important role in which TV show?

  • “Game of Thrones”
  • "The Last of Us"
  • “The Mandalorian”
  • “Westworld”

The new HBO hit series "The Last of Us," an apocalyptic nightmare based on the 2013 video game of the same name, centers on a group of people left to survive after an Ophiocordyceps fungus evolves to infect humans.

Read More: Meet the Zombie Ant Fungus That Inspired HBO's 'The Last of Us'

4.True or false: The world's first pay telephone was installed in downtown Hartford, Connecticut.

True.The world's first pay telephone was installed in 1889 on the corner of Main Street and Central Row in downtown Hartford, Connecticut.

Read More: Remember Pay Phones? Philly's Bringing Them Back for Free.

5. What is the coldest place in the universe?

  • Antarctica
  • Pluto
  • The Boomerang Nebula
  • Uranus

The coldest place in the universe is the Boomerang Nebula, which exists 5,000 light-years from Earth and is just one degree Kelvin over absolute zero.

Read More: What Is the Coldest Place in the Universe?


February 4, 2023

Answers for Feb. 4, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: "Some Like It Hot" (1959) was one of the movies that helped weaken the Hays Code.

True.A daring comedy about gender roles and organized crime with clear LGBTQ subtexts, "Some Like It Hot" was slammed by conservatives and failed to get PCA approval. But in a bold move for the time, the film was released without their blessing. And it went on to become a box office hit, undermining the Hays Code's influence over Hollywood.


Read More: How the Hays Code Censored Early Hollywood

2.What was the world’s shortest war?

  • Anglo-Zanzibar War
  • The Emu War
  • Spanish-American War
  • War of 1812

It's generous to call the Anglo-Zanzibar War a "war." The entire conflict lasted less than an hour (38 minutes) and the victory was ludicrously one-sided, yet this 1896 standoff between the British Royal Navy and a stubborn sultan is commonly cited as the shortest war on record.

Read More: The World's Shortest War Lasted Just 38 Minutes

3.In what month does the Strawberry Moon occur?

  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July

The Strawberry Moon occurs on June 3. It is also known as the Flower Moon and Rose Moon.

Read More: Worm, Harvest, Blue: Every Full Moon Has a Name

4.真的或假的:只有一个开国元勋签署all four documents of the American Revolution: the Articles of Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution.

True.Roger Sherman, the lead architect of the Great Compromise, was the only Founding Father to sign all four documents of the American Revolution.

Read More: How the Great Compromise Saved a Fledgling United States

5. What was the name of the CIA experiment that involved LSD and prostitutes?

  • Air America
  • Operation Cyclone
  • Operation Midnight Climax
  • The Berlin Tunnel

在一个奇怪的实验中,美国中央情报局使用妓女to lure unsuspecting men to apartments in New York and San Francisco to drug them with LSD in an effort to achieve mind control. The experiment, known inside the CIA as Operation Midnight Climax, was part of a larger research program code-named MKULTRA.

Read More: Operation Midnight Climax: A CIA Sex, Drugs and Surveillance Program


January 28, 2023

Answers for Jan. 28, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Cobalt drill bits are harder than titanium drill bits.

假的。Titanium drill bits are harder than cobalt.



2.Which U.S. state is the cheapest to live in?

  • Alabama
  • California
  • Mississippi
  • Oklahoma

Mississippi's cost of living is about 16 percent lower than the national average, making the Magnolia State a real bargain.

Read More: 8 Cheapest States to Live In

3.How many pounds of added sugar do Americans eat annually?

  • 30
  • 60
  • 100
  • 150

According to the American Heart Association, Americans eat 60 pounds (27 kilograms) of added sugar annually. Soft drinks account for 25 percent of this and fruit drinks for another 11 percent.

Read More: What's the Difference Between White Sugar and Brown Sugar?

4.True or false: The main difference between masking tape and painter’s tape is in their adhesives.

True.屏蔽和画家之间的主要区别tape is the adhesive. While masking tape has an extra sticky adhesive that makes it difficult to pull, painter's tape is easy to remove and doesn’t leave behind any residue. Painter's tape won't peel off anything beneath it, either.

Read More: Painter's Tape vs. Masking Tape: What's the Difference?

5. Which material is not fire-resistant?

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Cotton
  • Gypsum

Natural building materials such as lumber and cotton typically offer very poor fire resistance compared to dense concrete and plaster. Brick, concrete and gypsum are some of the most fire-resistant materials.

Read More: Top 6 Fire-resistant Building Materials


January 21, 2023

Answers for Jan. 21, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: Hanging upside down for long periods of time can kill you.

True.Your lungs evolved to sit atop all the other organs for a reason; inverting that anatomy can lead to death over a long enough period of time.


Read More: How Long Can a Person Safely Hang Upside Down?

2.Which country built the Tsar Bomba?

  • China
  • North Korea
  • Russia
  • United States

Russia built and tested the Tsar Bomba, serving as a symbol of the escalating tensions between the Soviets and the U.S. at the height of the Cold War.

Read More: Tsar Bomba: The Most Powerful Nuclear Weapon Ever Built

3.Which Mafia is the most powerful in the world?

  • Bonanno
  • Genovese
  • La Cosa Nostra
  • Triad

La Cosa Nostra is considered the most powerful Mafia on the planet, controlling one in five businesses in Italy and many businesses in other parts of the world, including the U.S.

Read More: 10 Businesses Supposedly Controlled by the Mafia

4.True or false: Your liver regenerates itself every 150 to 500 days.

True.Your liver’s primary function is detoxification. To ensure that it continues to carry out this function efficiently, it regenerates every 150 to 500 days and remains immune to most toxins.

Read More: Does Your Body Really Replace Itself Every Seven Years?

5. What year was element 115 added to the periodic table?

  • 1869
  • 1900
  • 2005
  • 2016

Element 115 was only added to the periodic table in 2016, yet for decades it has attracted extra attention because of a supposed connection to extraterrestrial technology and alien lifeforms.

Read More: Does the Real Element 115 Have a Connection With UFOs?


January 14, 2023

Answers for Jan. 14, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: A young George Washington cut down a cherry tree and proclaimed to his father, "I cannot tell a lie."

假的。Experts say the incident never happened. After Washington’s death, one of his first biographers invented the story to honor the late president.


Read More: 11 of the Biggest Lies in History


  • China
  • Germany
  • Thailand
  • United States

The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China is a marvel spanning more than 100 miles (165 kilometers), making it the longest bridge in the world.

Read More: The 10 Longest Bridges in the World

3.What is the smallest country?

  • Bermuda
  • Italy
  • Monaco
  • Vatican City

梵蒂冈城是最小的国家。它涵盖了mere 0.2 square miles (0.52 square kilometers), which is smaller than New York City's Central Park. Nevertheless, it has its own post office, telephone system, radio station, banking system and even its own currency.

Read More: What's the Smallest Country in the World?

4.True or false: Earth’s rotation has sped up.

True.In 2011, after the Tōhoku earthquake that shook Japan with a magnitude of 8.9, Earth's rotation sped up by 1.8 microseconds.

Read More: Time Is Up for the Leap Second

5. What’s another name for an atmospheric river storm?

  • Apple avalanche
  • Cloud cluster
  • Pineapple express
  • Thunderstorm

In the 1960s, meteorologists coined the phrase "Pineapple Express" to describe storm tracks that originated near Hawaii and carried warm water vapor to the coast of North America. By the late 1990s, atmospheric scientists had named these "atmospheric rivers."

Read More: What Are Atmospheric River Storms?


January 7, 2023

Answers for Jan. 7, 2023, Quiz

1. True or false: January's full moon is a micromoon, the opposite of a supermoon.

True.January's full moon is a micromoon. This means that the moon will be approaching its greatest distance from Earth, called its apogee.


Read More: No Need to Howl When You See January's Wolf Moon

2.According to experts, how often should you wash your bath towel?

  • After one use
  • After three uses
  • Once a week
  • Never

Experts say you should not go more than three uses without washing your bath towel, due to the growth of mildew and bacteria on the towel.

Read More: How Long Should You Use Your Bath Towel Without Washing It?

3.Which soda can be used to clean mineral stains from your toilet?

  • Coca-Cola
  • Dr. Pepper
  • Pepsi
  • Sprite

You can spray Coca-Cola or pour it directly onto the affected area and let it sit overnight before wiping it away.

Read More: How to Clean Mineral Stains From Your Toilet

4.True or false: Schadenfreude is the sense of happiness and shared joy we feel when others succeed.

假的。Freudenfreude is the sense of happiness and shared joy we feel when others succeed — the opposite of schadenfreude.

Read More: Freudenfreude Is the Joyous Opposite of Schadenfreude

5. Which of these is not a variety of dragon fruit?

  • ACDC
  • David Bowie
  • Purple Haze
  • Voodoo Child

ACDC is not a variety of dragon fruit, but whoever names the dragon fruit varieties is clearly a fan of classic rock. Three varieties are even named after the classic rock performers: David Bowie, the Purple Haze and Voodoo Child.

Read More: How to Eat Dragon Fruit


December 31, 2022

Answers for Dec. 31, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: It is healthy and possible to sweat out a hangover.

假的。It is not healthy to sweat out a hangover because you can become even more dehydrated. Technically, you can “sweat out” alcohol because sweat is one way your body expels the substance, but you would sweat out a very small amount. More of the alcohol is oxidized by your liver.


Read More: Can You Really Sweat Out a Hangover?

2.What plant is said to bring you good luck in the new year?

  • Bonsai tree
  • Chinese money tree
  • Snake plant
  • Venus fly trap

The Chinese money tree (Pachira aquatica) is a popular gift for those celebrating Lunar New Year because the plant is said to bring good luck in your life. This houseplant is also very easy to take care of and is important in feng shui.

Read More: Why Do People Give Money Trees at Lunar New Year?

3.When buying a good bottle of prosecco what label should you look for?

  • DOCG
  • FDA
  • Made in France
  • Voted Best in World

According to wine expert Vince Anter, you want to look for the DOCG label when buying prosecco to guarantee that it is officially from the Conegliano Valdobbiadene region in Veneto, Italy, and was evaluated and tasted by a government-licensed committee before it was bottled.

Read More: How to Buy a Good Bottle of Prosecco

4.True or false: Dice have been around for thousands of years.

True.Dice have been around for thousands of years. The oldest known cubic dice date back to around 2500 B.C.E. and were from the Indus Valley.

Read More: Sticks, Stones and Knucklebones: The History of Dice

5. A rare Pokémon card is indicated by:

  • Black circle
  • Black star
  • Purple circle
  • Yellow square

A rare Pokémon card is indicated by a black star in the bottom-right corner.

Read More: 10 of the Most Expensive Pokémon Cards Ever Sold


December 24, 2022

Answers for Dec. 24, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: In the winter, you need to underinflate your tires.

假的。In the winter, you can underinflate your tires to give your car more traction, but it is not crucial. Underinflating your tires increases your traction, but you run the risk of too much traction making steering harder.

Read More: Should You Underinflate Your Tires in Winter?

2.In which Christmas movie does Jimmy Stewart’s character learn that "every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings"?

  • "It's a Wonderful Life"
  • "Miracle on 34th Street"
  • "White Christmas"
  • "Winter Wonderland"

In this 1946 Christmas film, an angel is sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.

Test Your Knowledge: Can You Name These Christmas Movies From Famous Quotes?

3.What does p.m. stand for when talking about time?

  • Post meridiem
  • Post midnight
  • Pre midnight
  • Pre meridiem

The abbreviation p.m. is short for the Latin phrasepost meridiem, which means "after noon."

Read More: What Do A.M. and P.M. Stand For?

4.True or false: Jesus was born on Dec. 25.

假的。No one knows for sure when Jesus was born. The Bible mentions neither a month nor a date, but some scholars believe September is a more accurate estimate.

Read More: 10 Myths About Christmas

5. What do the Three French Hens in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” symbolize?

  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • Mary, Joseph and Jesus
  • The three kings
  • The three virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity

The Three French Hens symbolize the three virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.

Read More: What Are the 12 Days of Christmas?

December 17, 2022

Answers for Dec. 17, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: You can ship human remains via the United States Postal Service.

True.You just need an inner container, an outer container, a lot of padding and clear markings on the outside of the box to indicate the contents.

Read More: Is 'Jim Wilson' Airline Code for a Dead Body on a Plane?

2.Who coined the scream used in hundreds of Hollywood films?

  • Alfred Hitchcock
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Private Ryan
  • Private Wilhelm

The iconic scream used in many Hollywood flicks is attributed to Private Wilhelm, a character in the 1953 film "The Charge at Feather River."

Read More: If You Hear a Scream in a Movie, It's Probably the Wilhelm Scream

3.What famous technique is used to measure artificial intelligence?

  • IBM Imitation Test
  • Polygraph Test
  • Turing Test
  • Watson Test

Created in 1950 by Alan Turing, the Turing Test is used to measure artificial intelligence. This test was originally called the imitation game.

Read More: Ghost in the Machine: When Does AI Become Sentient?

4.True or false: Ada Lovelace, the daughter of famous poet Lord Byron, is viewed as the first computer programmer.

True.Ada Lovelace had an aptitude for math along with being the protegé of Charles Babbage, father of the computer.

Read More: This 'Enchantress of Numbers' Was the World's First Computer Programmer

5. What material is stronger than steel but lighter than paper?

  • Diamond
  • Graphene
  • Gold
  • Silver

Graphene is a supermaterial that is 200 times stronger than steel and 1,000 times lighter than paper.

Read More: Graphene: 200 Times Stronger Than Steel, 1,000 Times Lighter Than Paper

December 10, 2022

Answers for Dec. 10, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: The Doughnut Corporation of America tried pushing a product called Vitamin Donuts.

True.In the early '40s, the Doughnut Corporation of America tried pushing a product called Vitamin Donuts, but the product didn’t last long because the donuts were not actually enriched with vitamins.

Read More: Ridiculous History: Vitamin Donuts Were a Thing?

2.What is the most densely populated city in the world?

  • Beijing, China
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • New York City, U.S.A
  • Tokyo, Japan

Topping the list of world city populations is Tokyo. With a population of 37,274,000, it has become the most densely populated city in the world.

Read More: What Are the 10 Largest Cities in the World by Population?

3.According to the world records for the largest waves ever surfed, six of the top seven waves happened in which location?

  • Jaws, North of Maui, Hawaii
  • Mavericks, Half Moon Bay, California
  • Mullaghmore Head, Ireland
  • Praia do Norte, Nazaré, Portugal

Six of the top seven waves — and seven of the top 10 — were surfed in a single location: Praia do Norte in Nazaré, Portugal. These massive waves are created by the unique ocean floor geography just off the shores of Nazaré.

Read More: Nazaré's 80-foot Waves Intimidate Even Pro Surfers

4.True or false: The Carnegie Museum of Natural History knowingly put a human skull in a diorama.

假的。The diorama "Lion Attacking a Dromedary" at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History unknowingly featured a human skull. The diorama was acquired by the museum in 1898 and displayed for many decades before anyone suspected that anything was amiss.

Read More: Famous Museum Diorama Includes Human Remains

5. Which newspaper is responsible for running a series of articles that turned into the "The Great Moon Hoax" of August 1835?

  • The New York Post
  • The Onion
  • The New York Sun
  • The New York Times

In August 1835, The New York Sun ran a series of articles stating that life on the moon had been discovered. These popular articles later turned into “The Great Moon Hoax.”

Read More: The Great Moon Hoax of August 1835

December 3, 2022

Answers for Dec. 3, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: In 2021, 84 percent of the Christmas trees displayed in the U.S. were real while 16 percent were artificial.

假的。According to the National Christmas Tree Association, in 2021, 84 percent of the Christmas trees displayed in the U.S. were artificial while 16 percent were real.

Read More: How to Safely Transport Your Christmas Tree Home

2.What day of the week is said to have the most challenging New York Times crossword puzzle?

  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

每一天的星期,从周一开始,新的York Times crossword puzzle becomes more difficult, culminating in the most challenging of all: Saturday's crossword.

Explore More: 5 Tips for Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle

3."Say 'hello' to my little friend" is from which mobster movie?

  • “The Godfather”
  • “Scarface”
  • “Dirty Harry”
  • “Goodfellas”

"Say 'hello' to my little friend" is from “Scarface" which was loosely based on the life of Al Capone, but this line was famously delivered by another famous Al — Pacino.

Learn More: Guess the Movie From Its Famous Line

4.True or False: There are 5 different colors of sounds.

True.Scientists recognize black, brown, pink, blue and white noise. Some people find pink noise or brown noise better for sleep than white noise.

Read More: You Know White Noise, But What's Pink Noise and Brown Noise?

5. Which movie below passes the Bechdel Test?

  • "Casablanca"
  • "Jackie Brown"
  • "Lawrence of Arabia"
  • “Mean Girls”

"Mean Girls" passes the Bechdel Test because it has at least one scene in which two female characters have a conversation about something other than a man.

Read More: What the Bechdel Test Says About Women in Film

November 26, 2022

Answers for Nov. 26, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: Yams and sweet potatoes are the same food.

假的。Yams and sweet potatoes are quite different. In fact, they're not even part of the same genus. But, due to how the names are used interchangeably, you might believe they are the same.

Read More: What's the Difference Between Sweet Potatoes and Yams?

2.What is one of the safest forms of investment?

  • Property
  • Treasury bills
  • Stocks
  • Precious metals

Treasury bills are one of the safest forms of investment in the world because they are backed by the U.S. government. They are considered risk-free. They are also used by many other governments throughout the world.

Read More: How Treasury Bills Work

3.When was green bean casserole, the beloved Thanksgiving side, developed?

  • 1880
  • 1955
  • 1967
  • 1980

Green bean casserole was developed by the late Dorcas Reilly back in 1955 when she was a Campbell Soup Company test kitchen manager. Her green bean casserole has made a name for itself as a go-to Thanksgiving side for more than 60 years.

Read More: Dishing It Up: History of the Green Bean Casserole

4.True or false: Up until the late 19th century, people regularly ate breakfast pie, including flavors like pumpkin and apple.

True.Breakfast pie was on hotel and restaurant menus and held a regular spot on the breakfast menus in the homes of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Read More: The Humble History of Pumpkin Pie

5. What scientific tool is used to measure the severity of a snowstorm?

  • Fujita Scale
  • Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale
  • Richter Scale
  • Saffir-Simpson Scale

To assess the severity of a snowstorm, we can use several metrics beyond the volume of snow. The Northeast Snowfall Impact Scale (NESIS) was created in 2004 to characterize snowstorms in the Northeastern U.S., similar to the way the Fujita Scale rates tornadoes and the Saffir-Simpson Scale classifies hurricanes.

Read More: 10 Biggest Snowstorms of All Time

November 19, 2022

Answers for Nov. 19, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: Jimmy Carter served as the United States’ 39th president.

True.Jimmy Carter is the 39th American to hold the title of President of the United States. The presidency was only the beginning of his lifelong effort to make the world a better place.

Read More: A Portrait of Jimmy Carter, America's Oldest Living President Ever

2.What is the all-time best-selling book?

  • "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ"
  • "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"
  • "The Little Prince"
  • "Xinhua Zidian"

"Xinhua Zidian" was first published in 1953 and became the standard dictionary among Chinese schoolchildren. Its widespread use in the most populous nation in the world (1.4 billion people as of 2022) gives this book the top spot on our list.

Read More: The 22 Best-selling Books of All Time

3.What is graupel?

  • A mix of snow crystals and ice
  • Sleet
  • Snow
  • Rain

Graupel is actually an interesting mix of snow crystals and ice. It should not be confused with sleet, which is sturdier and more frozen; graupel occurs when a snow pellet falls and is encapsulated by ice. Sounds like hail, right? Well, it’s not quite hail either.

Read More: Graupel Isn't Snow, Nor Sleet, Nor Hail, So What the Heck Is It?

4.True or false: Flash droughts typically result from a combination of higher-than-normal precipitation and lower temperatures.

假的。Flash droughts typically result from a combination of lower-than-normal precipitation and higher temperatures.

Read More: What Is a Flash Drought? An Earth Scientist Explains

5. What is the vocation of the oldest living woman?

  • Chef
  • Lawyer
  • Nun
  • Maid

Lucile Randon, aka Sister André, is the world's oldest living person. She was born Feb. 11, 1904, in France. She's also the oldest known living person in Europe, and the world's oldest living nun.

Read More: Who Is the Oldest Person to Ever Live?

November 12, 2022

Answers for Nov. 12, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: An axolotl can regenerate almost any part of its body.

True.An axolotl can regenerate new limbs, heart tissue, eyes and even its spinal cord and parts of its brain. Scientists study axolotls in the hopes of one day applying their miraculous limb-regeneration abilities to the human body.

Read More: The Super-cute Axolotl Is Also a Ruthless Carnivore

2.Why does Earth's shadow cast a red hue on the moon during a lunar eclipse?

  • Climate change
  • Earth’s atmosphere
  • Earth’s shadow is red
  • Reflection from the stars

During a total eclipse, the only sunlight reaching the moon is passing through Earth's atmosphere. As rays of the sun's light pass through the atmosphere and bend around Earth, they pick up a reddish color. This is why the moon appears red during a blood moon, also known as a lunar eclipse.

Read More: What's the Difference Between a Blood Moon and a Lunar Eclipse?

3.What will mess up a car’s engine if added to the fuel?

  • Milk
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Water

If you add water to fuel, the water gets into the engine and, if there's enough water in the cylinders, the fuel does not combust. The engine is dead in the water, you might say.


4.True or false: Graphene is considered one of the softest materials in the world.

假的。Graphene is considered one of the strongest — and thinnest — materials in the world. The composition of graphene is similar to the graphite used in pencils, but when graphene is used as a temporary tattoo, it provides a waterproof way to measure the skin's electrical currents and the body's response to changes in blood volume.

Read More: How the Graphene Blood Pressure Tattoo Will Change Monitoring

5. How often should you wash your car?

  • Every week
  • Every 2 weeks
  • Every month
  • Every 2 months

Most experts recommend washing your car every two weeks or so throughout the year as a general rule.

Read More: How Often Should You Wash Your Car?

November 5, 2022

Answers for Nov. 5, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: Tsundoku is the art of buying books you can't possibly read.

True.Tsundoku comes from the root words "tsumu," which means "to pile up," and "doku," which means "reading."

Read More: Tsundoku: The Art of Buying Books You Can't Possibly Read

2.What car brand can attribute some of its success to international spy, James Bond?

  • Aston Martin
  • Ferrari
  • Jaguar
  • Porsche

The Aston Martin DB5 became an international sensation when it played a starring role in the James Bond spy thriller "Goldfinger." Aston Martin can attribute some of its success to this franchise.

Read More: The Aston Martin: From the DB1 to DB7

3.How many Nancy Drew books are there in the classic series?

  • 43
  • 56
  • 123
  • 157

Although there are currently over 175 Nancy Drew books including several spinoffs, the classic series had 56 books.

Read More: 5 Secrets You Didn't Know About Nancy Drew

4.True or false: Netflix says it uses credit card information to determine if your device is within a subscriber household or not.

假的。Netflix uses IP addresses, device IDs and account activity to determine if your device is within a subscriber household or not. If a device is outside of the subscriber household then you will have to verify the device to watch on it.

Read More: How Netflix's Password Crackdown Will Stop Moochers

5. "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." Which book opens with this line?

  • "A Clockwork Orange"
  • "Jane Eyre"
  • "1984"
  • "The Bell Jar"

"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen" is the opening line of George Orwell's "1984," which is considered one of the greatest novels of the 20th century.

Read More: Quiz: Guess the Book From Its Opening Line

October 29, 2022

Answers for Oct. 29, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: Albert Einstein famously called the phenomenon of quantum entanglement "spooky action at a distance."

True.Albert Einstein famously called it "spooky action at a distance," even though he had some doubts about the phenomenon.

Read More: Quantum Entanglement Is the Strangest Phenomenon in Physics, But What Is It?

2.British prime minister Liz Truss recently resigned. How many days did Truss last as prime minister?

  • 21
  • 30
  • 44
  • 60

British prime minister Liz Truss resigned after only 44 days, making Truss go down in history as the U.K. prime minister with the shortest term.

Read More: British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns After Only 44 Days

3.How many emergency drawdowns of crude oil have there been since the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) was established?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 6
  • 10

Since the SPR has been established, there have been three emergency drawdowns: one after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, one during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and the most recent in 2011 when President Barack Obama released 30 million barrels of oil onto the world market in response to production disruptions in Libya.

Read More: How Long Will the U.S. Oil Reserves Last?

4.True or false: A buyer must disclose to the seller that their house is haunted.

False. According to a state-by-state analysis by Zillow, there are no states that require home sellers to voluntarily disclose alleged ghostly activities on the property before a sale.

Read More: Do You Have to Tell Buyers Your House Is Haunted?

5. When did candy corn first become associated with Halloween?

  • At the beginning of the Civil War
  • During the Great Depression
  • After World War II
  • During the Cold War

Oct. 30 is National Candy Corn Day. However, candy corn didn't become associated with Halloween until after World War II, when trick-or-treating became popular.

Read More: What Is Candy Corn and How Is It Made?

Answers for Oct. 22, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: The Oakland County child killer better known as "The Babysitter," was captured in 2000 and sentenced to life in prison.

False. Despite a few promising leads, including the discovery of a blue AMC Gremlin suspected of having been the killer's car, the case remains open.

Read More: 10 Serial Killers Who Have Never Been Caught

2.At what age does a girl celebrate her quinceañera?

  • 16
  • 15
  • 20
  • 10

Celebrating your quinceañera or "Sweet 15" is a milestone for many Latin American girls and American girls of Hispanic heritage.

Read More: How Quinceañeras Work

3.What is considered to be one of the oldest fairy tales?

  • "Rumpelstiltskin"
  • "Sleeping Beauty"
  • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"
  • "Hansel and Gretel"

"Rumpelstiltskin" and "Beauty and the Beast" are two of the oldest fairy tales ever written. They're said to be around 4,000 years old.

Read More: 10 Fairy Tales That Are Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid

4.True or false: Travis Gienger set a new North American record for heaviest pumpkin early in October with a massive 2,560-pound (1161-kilogram) pumpkin.

True. At this year's 49th Safeway World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off, Gienger of Anoka, Minnesota, broke the current record for heaviest pumpkin with his giant pumpkin named Maverick.

Read More: How Do You Grow a 2,000-pound Pumpkin?

5. How many people was Jeffrey Dahmer convicted of killing?

  • 100
  • 15
  • 17
  • 35

Serial killer and sex offender Jeffrey Dahmer was convicted of murdering 15 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. Dahmer was sentenced to 15 terms of life imprisonment, though he was killed by another inmate in 1994.

Read More: FBI Files Provide Chilling Look Into the Mind of Jeffrey Dahmer

October 15, 2022

Answers for Oct. 15, 2022, Quiz

1. True orfalse: Multi-factor authentication is a security measure that requires you to providethreeor more proofs of identity to gain access to digital services.

假的。多因素身份验证是一个安全easure that requires you to providetwoor more proofs of identity to gain access to digital services. It's also known as two-step verification or two-step authentication.

阅读更多:什么是多因素Authentication and Should You Use It?

2.What is the earthy aroma we smell after it rains known as?

  • after-rain odor
  • petrichor
  • Earth's musk
  • percheron

The scientific name for that after-rain smell is petrichor. It is caused by bacteria, specifically actinomycetes, a type of filamentous bacteria, that grows in soil when conditions are damp and warm.

Read More: What Causes Petrichor, the Earthy Smell After Rain?

3.What should you never use to clean your glasses?

  • acetone
  • microfiber cloth
  • soap
  • water

You should never use acetone, like nail polish remover, to cut through the smudges, because it's far too harsh for glasses. You should use only soap and water, and dry them with a clean microfiber cloth.

Read More: How to Best Clean Your Glasses, for Real

4.Trueor false: Polio can be spread through person-to-person contact via the stool of an infected person or the droplets of a sneeze or cough.

True. Polio spreads through person-to-person contact via the stool of an infected person or the droplets of a sneeze or cough. Most people who contract poliovirus have no symptoms. About a quarter of them have mild, flu-like symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, upset stomach and body aches. Most people may not be aware they have polio.

Read More: Is Polio Back? Here's What You Need to Know

5. What causes "old person" smell?

  • bacteria
  • old skin
  • 2-nonenal
  • potassium

"Old person" smell is caused by the breakdown of 2-nonenal. Researchers discovered that 2-nonenal, an unsaturated compound with an unpleasant greasy and grassy smell, is the only odor present in humans that becomes stronger as we age.

Read More: What Causes 'Old Person' Smell?

October 8, 2022

Answers for Oct. 8, 2022, Quiz

1.Trueor false: Jimmy Carter is the oldest living U.S. president.

True. Jimmy Carter is America's oldest living president at 98 years old. He was born Oct. 1, 1924.

Read More: A Portrait of Jimmy Carter, America's Oldest Living President Ever

2.When was the phrase "in a pickle" first used?

  • 1562
  • 1900
  • 1692
  • 1711

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the earliest-known written instance of this phrase is from 1562.

Read More: Why Do We Say We're 'In a Pickle'?

3.What is the phrase "bullwhip effect" used to describe?

  • the sound of a cowboy's whip
  • the car and computer chip shortage
  • an exercise move
  • the popularity of whips, thanks to the Indiana Jones franchise

The "bullwhip effect" is an economic term coined by MIT computer scientist Jay Forrester that describes what happens when fluctuations in demand reverberate and amplify throughout the supply chain, leading to worsening problems and shortages.

Read More: Store Shelves Still Empty? Blame the 'Bullwhip Effect'

4.Trueor false: Big dog breeds live longer than small dogs.

假的。Small dog breeds usually live longer than big dogs. The average lifespan for a big dog is around 7 or 8 years, while a tiny dog can reliably live, variables aside, to the ripe old age of 14 or 15.

Read More: The Longest-living Dog Breeds Are Tiny, But Why?

5. Which state recently legalized human composting as another option for burial?

  • Maine
  • Texas
  • Alabama
  • California

In mid-September 2022, California became the fifth state to legalize human composting. California follows the states of Colorado, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, which allow human composting.

Read More: Is Human Composting the Greenest Burial Option?

October 1, 2022

Answers for Oct. 1, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: NASA recently crashed a spaceship into an asteroid, on purpose.

True.NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) robotic spacecraft successfully crashed into Dimorphos, a small asteroid that orbits a second, larger space rock, Didymos, Monday, Sept. 26.

Read More: NASA's DART Crashed Into an Asteroid, On Purpose

2.What is grape waste called?

  • waste
  • raisins
  • pomace
  • grape Juice

Grape waste, aka pomace, is what's left over after the grapes are pressed during wine production. Some wineries use it as a fertilizing compost, while others are selling it to biogas companies for use as a renewable energy source.

Read More: What Do Winemakers Do With Grape Waste?

3.Where is the tallest Ferris wheel in the world located?

  • Florida
  • Dubai
  • Denmark
  • China

The tallest Ferris wheel in the world is the Ain Dubai, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, specifically Dubai Marina. Also known as the Dubai Eye, the attraction opened in 2021.

Read More: Have You Ridden Any of the 10 Tallest Ferris Wheels in the World?

4.True or false: Joseph Marion Hernández was the first Hispanic to serve in Congress.

True.Joseph Marion Hernández was sworn into duty in 1823 as the first Hispanic to serve in Congress. He helped smooth the transfer of the territory of Florida into U.S. rule. He also served in the House of Representatives.

Read More: 5 Events in Hispanic History You Never Learned in School

5. About how many dogs did Camberley Kate rescue throughout her lifetime?

  • 20
  • 40
  • 150
  • 600

Camberley Kate single-handedly took in and cared for at least 600 dogs (and several cats) from 1943 until her death Aug. 4, 1979, at age 84. She may well have been the U.K.'s first dog rescuer.

Read More: England's Eccentric 'Camberley Kate' Never Turned Away a Stray

September 24, 2022

Answers for Sept. 24, 2022, Quiz

1. True orfalse: Smith is the most popular last name in the world.

假的。The most popular surname in the world is Wang. More than 106 million people have the last name Wang, which is a Mandarin term for prince or king.

Read More: What Are the Most Common Last Names in the World?

2.Where is the oldest tree in the world?

  • California
  • Sweden
  • Chile
  • Scotland

According to carbon dating, Old Tjikko, a spruce tree on Fulu Mountain in Sweden, sprouted around 7542 B.C.E., making it older than written history. It's considered the oldest tree in the world.

More Details: What Is the Oldest Tree in the World?

3.What does it mean when a planet is "at opposition?"

  • Its orbit is out of position.
  • It's opposite the position of the sun.
  • It's opposite the moon's orbit.
  • It's no longer considered a planet.

Planetary opposition is when a planet's orbit brings it between the sun and another planet. That means a planet at opposition is 180 degrees from the sun in the sky.

Read More: Neptune Is at Opposition, But What Does That Mean?

4.True orfalse: In a recent Gallup poll, the majority of Hispanic respondents said they prefer "Latinx" as their racial or ethnic identity.

假的。Just 5 percent of Hispanics prefer the term Latinx. Instead, an overwhelming 94 percent said they prefer either Hispanic or Latino.

Keep Reading: The 'X' Factor: Why Some Advocates Prefer 'Latine' to 'Latinx'

5. How do birds know where to migrate south in the winter?

  • They all fly to the same location.
  • Scientists still don't have a definitive answer.
  • They use GPS.
  • They track the scent of food.

Scientists still have no answer to this question, but they have some theories, including they have internal maps and compasses; they use the sun, stars and constellations to find their way; and some might actually learn landmarks to help guide them on their paths.

More Details: How Do Birds Know When to Fly South and Where to Go?

September 17, 2022

Answers for Sept. 17, 2022, Quiz

1.Trueor false: In the 19th century, one of Paris' best-known attractions was the morgue.

True. Today people flock to the Eiffel Tower and Champs-Élysées. In the 19th-century, everyone congregated at the morgue.

Read More: In 19th-century Paris, the Morgue Was the Best Show in Town

2.How many objects have astronauts left behind on the moon?

  • about 250
  • about 470
  • about 500
  • about 800

There's estimated to be about 800 items still on the lunar surface, including lots of geological tools, cameras and several lunar rovers.

More Details: Can You See Objects Astronauts Left Behind on the Moon?

3.How many phases does the moon have in every lunar cycle?

  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 10

The moon has eight phases in each lunar cycle: four primary phases and four secondary phases.

Keep Reading: What Are the 8 Phases of the Moon, in Order?

4.True orfalse: A rainy summer means we will have an exceptionally beautiful fall.

假的。It's actually the very late-summer, early-autumn weather that affects leaves' appearance. What leaves really need for a colorful fall display is clear sun in the day, with nights that are a bit chilly, but not freezing.

Read More: Does a Wet Summer Mean a Brilliant Fall?

5. How many steps do you have to climb to reach the top of Jacob's Ladder on St. Helena Island?

  • 235
  • 122
  • 699
  • 355

There are 699 steps in all. Some people think there were originally 700, but that the bottom step was buried or destroyed. Those who reach the top of this steep staircase are rewarded with a certificate from the Museum of Saint Helena.

More Details: Climbing Jacob's Ladder in St. Helena Is Not for the Faint of Heart

September 10, 2022

Answers for Sept. 10, 2022, Quiz

1.Trueor false: The green anaconda is the biggest snake in the world.

True. At more than 16.4 feet (5 meters) in length, the green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) grabs the title of biggest snake in the world.

Read More: What Is the Biggest Snake in the World?

2 . Who is the most famous political or historical figure in the world?

  • Queen Elizabeth II
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

In terms of impact and sheer numbers of people, Mahatma Gandhi is perhaps the most famous political or historical figure in the world. India's current population is 1.4 billion, and though not every citizen may know who he is, between the numbers who do and the rest of the world who knows him, that would be billions of people.

Keeping Reading: Who Is the Most Famous Person in the World?

3 . True orfalse: It is considered unlucky to wish upon a striped stone.

假的。Wishing upon a smooth pebble that has a single, uninterrupted white stripe all the way around it is considered lucky. These stones are rare so when you find one, make a wish.

Read More: When You Wish Upon a Stone ... Make It a Striped One

4 . What are attendees of the popular art and music festival, Burning Man, usually referred to as?

  • Dreamers
  • Artists
  • Burning Men and Women
  • Burners

Attendees of Burning Man are referred to as Burners. Burners flock to Black Rock City, Nevada each year, to experience radical inclusion, one of Burning Man's 10 Principles. After a two-year hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Burning Man returned this year.

Read More: How Burning Man Works

5 .Trueor false: William Gaines and Harvey Kurtzman created "Mad Magazine."

True. "Mad Magazine" was the brainchild of William Gaines and Harvey Kurtzman at EC Comics, a low-brow publishing house that specialized in gory horror titles that drove parents nuts in the 1950s, like "Tales from the Crypt."

Keep Reading: 'What, Me Worry?' Celebrating 70 Years of Mad Magazine

September 3, 2022

Answers for Sept. 3, 2022, Quiz

1.Trueor false: Green coffee beans are the best beans to roast at home so you can have the best cuppa joe.

True. All coffee beans are green before they are roasted to be brewed into that perfect cup of coffee.

Read More: Want a Perfect Cuppa Joe? Roast Your Own Coffee Beans

2.Which country is building a 106-mile (170-kilometer), one-building city?

  • United States
  • Egypt
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Norway

The government of Saudi Arabia unveiled plans in 2021 for the city of Neom, which will include a megastructure called The Line, a 106-mile, one-building city in the Saudi Arabian desert.

Keep Reading: Meet The Line, Saudi Arabia's Future 106-mile, One-building City

3.True orfalse: Napoleon really was short.

假的。Napoleon wasn't exactly tall, but he wasn't short, either. At the time of his death, he measured 5 foot 2 inches in French units, the equivalent of 5 foot 6.5 inches (169 centimeters) in modern measurement units.

Read More: Was Napoleon Really Short?

4.Out of the eight main blood types in the world, which is the rarest?

  • AB Negative
  • Negative
  • AB Positive
  • B Positive

The short answer: AB negative is the rarest of the eight main blood types. Less than 1 percent of American donors are AB negative, according to the American Red Cross.

More Info: What Is the Rarest Blood Type in the World?

5. How much did it cost in today's money to build the Cathedral of Notre Dame?

  • $300,000
  • $1 million
  • $25 billion
  • $1 billion

Maurice de Sully, Bishop of Paris from 1160 until 1196, convinced the crown to invest an astronomical amount of money in the project — almost $1 billion in today's figures.

Read More: Notre Dame Cathedral: What It Took to Build Her

August 27, 2022

Answers for Aug. 27, 2022, Quiz

1. Which state in the United States has the largest population of death row inmates?

  • Texas
  • Florida
  • California
  • North Carolina

The oldest prison in California, San Quentin, was home to its only death row facility and its more than 700 death row inmates. But in early 2022, the state began the process of closing death row and relocating the inmates, three years after California Governor Gavin Newsom ended executions in the state.

Read More: 10 of the Worst Prisons in the World

2.Trueor false: Americans drink more coffee than any other beverage — even water.

True. As of spring 2022, 66 percent of Americans drink coffee daily, more than any other beverage — even water.

Read About What to Do With All Those Coffee Filters: 11 Great Uses for Coffee Filters

3.John Harrison is credited with saving the lives of more than 2 million Australian babies because of his blood donations. How often did he donate blood plasma?

  • Every two weeks
  • Once a month
  • Every two months
  • Twice a year

Australian John Harrison, donated blood plasma roughly every two weeks for decades and singlehandedly created a steady supply of anti-D, a rare antibody that can help pregnant women and their babies.

Read How He Did It: The Man Whose Blood Saved More Than 2 Million Babies

4.True orfalse: The Republican Party once had a live elephant at one of its conventions.

假的。The Republican Party has never had a live elephant at one of its conventions. However, when the Democratic Party gathered for its 2008 convention in Denver, Colorado, a live donkey named Mordecai was there to serve as the first official live mascot in the history of the Democratic Party.

Read Why Democrats Are Donkeys and Republicans Are Elephants

5. Which General Mills cereal is being brought back for the first time in nearly a decade?

  • Franken Berry
  • Frute Brute
  • Count Chocula
  • Boo-Berry

Frute Brute (originally Fruit Brute) hit shelves for the first time in 1974 but was sent back to the General Mills vault in 1982. The cereal is making an appearance for the first time since 2013 and will round out this year's seasonal spooky cereals.

Get the Details: General Mills Resurrects 4 Classic Monster Cereals

August 20, 2022

Answers for Aug. 20, 2022, Quiz

1.Trueor false: Fast-growing wages are a sign of a looming recession.

True. When unemployment levels are low, that leads to a scarcity of qualified workers on the job market, which forces employers to offer higher and higher pay. Fast-growing wages are often a sign of a coming recession.

Read More: 7 Warning Signs of a Looming Recession

2.True orfalse: iPhones can shoot raw photos right in their native camera app.

假的。Current Android operating systems can shoot raw photos right in their native camera app, while iPhones require a third-party app like Manual Cam to do the job.

Learn More: What's the Difference Between Raw and JPEG Files?

3.How did Catherine the Great die?

  • A stroke
  • While having sex with a horse
  • She was murdered

One of the most notorious rumors to follow Catherine has been the one regarding her cause of death. Catherine did not die while having sex with a horse. She died of a stroke at the age of 67.

Keep Reading: 7 Reasons Catherine the Great Was So Great

4.Trueor false: Scientists do not know why we dream.

Scientists and sleep experts know when we normally dream, but researchers don't know why we dream in the first place.

Get More Info: 10 Questions That Science Can't Answer Yet

5. King William I is better known as William the Conqueror. What was his other nickname?

  • William the Brutal
  • William the Bastard
  • William the Handsome

William I ruled England from 1066 to 1087, and was the illegitimate son of Robert the Devil, Duke of Normandy — hence the "bastard" designation. He defeated King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings in his bid for the throne, which he said was promised him by his second cousin, Harold's predecessor.

Take Our Kings and Queens Quiz:All Hail the Kings and Queens Quiz

August 13, 2022

Answers for Aug. 13, 2022, Quiz

1.Trueor false: New York City's nickname the "Big Apple" came from horse racing.

True. In the 1920s, John Fitz Gerald, a reporter for The Morning Telegraph who covered horse racing, overheard stable hands referring to the races in New York and their prestige and prize money as the "big apple of horse racing." Fitz Gerald found the term apt and started using it regularly in his columns.

Read More: Why Is New York City Called the 'Big Apple'?

2.How many people are allowed to visit The Wave in Arizona each day?

  • 64
  • 152
  • 814
  • No one is allowed to visit

A maximum of 64 people is allowed each day, whether as individuals or part of a group. Forty-eight of those people are awarded access through the advanced online lottery system. Another 16 people are allowed to enter through a daily lottery.

More Details: Bring Water and a Permit to Catch 'The Wave' in Arizona

3.True orfalse: Your cat licking you is never a sign of affection.

假的。"Cats lick us as a sign of closeness, bonding and affection," says Anita Kelsey, cat behaviorist.

Keep Reading: Why Does My Cat Lick Me?

4.Trueor false: "The Hunger Games" star Jennifer Lawrence dropped out of school while in the eighth grade.

True. Jennifer Lawrence's parents allowed her to drop out of school while in eighth grade to pursue acting in New York City.

Read More: 20 Notable People Who Dropped Out of School

5. Which famous female actress did not stay at New York's Barbizon Hotel?

  • Grace Kelly
  • Liza Minelli
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Candice Bergen

The Barbizon Hotel was a glamorous, women-only residential hotel in New York City that catered to up-and-coming stars. Grace Kelly, Liza Minelli and Candice Bergen all called it home. Elizabeth Taylor did not.

More Info: Why Every Woman Wanted to Stay at the Barbizon Hotel

Answers for Aug. 6, 2022, Quiz

1. How old is the youngest mother in recorded history?

  • 5
  • 8
  • 11

On May 14, 1939, Lina Medina delivered a healthy, 6-pound (3-kilogram) baby boy via cesarean section. At the time she was exactly 5 years, 7 months and 21 days old, making her the youngest mother in recorded history.

Read More: The Shocking Story of Lina Medina, Who Gave Birth at Age 5

2.Trueor false: Mowing your grass at the right time of the day will help your lawn stay green.

True. Don't mow in the morning when the grass is wet. Wait until the lawn dries. Once dry, mow in the late afternoon and early evening. For one thing, it's excessively hot at noontime for such work. Not only can mowing in the heat of the day stress you out, but it can also stress your lawn.

Read Tips: 10 Things You Should Never Do to Your Lawn

3.True orfalse: There is no longer a ban on gooseberries in the U.S.

假的。Maine, Delaware, New Hampshire and a handful of other states maintain the ban on the gooseberry and its cousin black currant because some species aid and abet a tree-killing disease known as white pine blister rust.

Read More: Banned in the U.S.A: 8 Foods You Can't Eat in America

4.The extinctThylacoleo carnifex, a lion-sized marsupial, killed its prey in which strange way?

  • Repeatedly charging at their prey
  • Using mimicry to lure its prey
  • Scratching their prey to death

This ancient predator had a long, deadly-looking retractable "dew claw" on each semi-opposable thumb.Thylacoleoused its jaws to hold an animal and then used its giant claws to slash or disembowel its prey.

Learn More: Extinct Marsupial Lions Killed Prey in a Really Weird Way

5.Trueor false: Buc-ee's, a chain of giant convenience stores in the U.S., pays its employees about double the minimum wage.

True. Buc-ee's pays its employees about double the minimum wage.

Learn More: Why People Are Nuts for Buc-ee's

July 30, 2022

Answers for July 30, 2022, Quiz

1 . How does the parasitic isopodCymothoa exiguaaffect its host?

  • the parasite forces its host to raise its babies
  • the parasite uses its host for locomotion
  • the parasite replaces its host's tongue
  • the parasite controls the minds and actions of its host

Cymothoa exigua连接到一条鱼的舌头,吮吸血液until it falls off, and then replaces it by gripping onto the tongue stump and acting as a prosthetic for the rest of its life.

Read More: Why No Fish Wants a Tongue-eating Parasitic Louse in its Mouth

2.Trueor false: When you purchase a movie on a streaming service, the movie can be canceled at any time.

True. When you purchase a movie on a streaming service, you're basically putting yourself at the service's mercy. That's because the digital purchase grants you only a temporary license to the movie — you don't own it. The license can be revoked at any time, due to things like rights ownership changes and music licensing issues.

More Info Here: Think You Own That Online Video Game You Bought? Think Again

3.What is the job of a lexicographer?

  • describing and mapping geographic regions
  • writing and editing dictionaries
  • converting messages from a code to plain text
  • writing glossaries

The culling of dictionary words is left to lexicographers, who not only decide which words to remove, but also what new words to add, definitions to update and pronunciations to improve.

Read More: How Are Words Removed From a Dictionary?

4.True orfalse: Non-climacteric fruits — like apples — continue to ripen after they've been plucked.

假的。There are two classifications of fruit in the ripening realm — climacteric and non-climacteric. Climacteric fruits produce ethylene gas and continue to ripen after they've been plucked, while non-climacteric fruits do not and thus should only be picked when fully ripe.

Get the Details: Does Fruit Really Ripen Faster in a Brown Paper Bag?

5. True orfalse: Muriatic acid is a diluted version of hydrochloric acid, therefore it doesn't need to be diluted with water before you use it.

假的。Despite that muriatic acid is made for cleaning, you still need to dilute it with water before use. How much you weaken it will depend on what job you're tackling. A good formula is one-part muriatic acid to 10 parts water.

Read More: What Is Muriatic Acid and Is It Safe For Home Cleaning?

July 23, 2022

Answers for July 23, 2022, Quiz

1. True orfalse: Using cruise control on road trips increases your gas usage.

Using cruise control to maintain constant speed can decrease how much gas has to go in your car's tank.

Read more:How Much Gas Will You Use on Your Road Trip?

2.Why were gooseberries once banned in the United States?

  • They are poisonous to consume
  • They can cause skin irritations
  • They can kill trees

Gooseberries once banned in the United States because the fruits serve as an intermediary host for the destructive white pine blister rust. This tree-killing disease would decimate white pine-reliant economies, like those that depend on lumber.

Read more:The Once-banned Gooseberry Has Made a Comeback in the U.S.

3.Trueor false: Crater of Diamonds State Park is the only public diamond mining site in America.

Crater of Diamonds State Park, which opened to visitors in 1972, is the only public diamond mining site in America. The park allows visitors to search for their own diamonds. And if you find one, you get to keep it!

Read more:Arkansas State Park Lets You Dig for Diamonds

4.根据FlightAware,有多少航班18新利最新登入canceled in and out of the U.S. on July 14?

  • 1,400
  • 3,500
  • 5,200
  • 6,800

On July 14 alone, more than 6,800 flights were canceled in and out of the U.S., and 23,000-plus were delayed according to FlightAware, which tracks these stats in real time.

Read more:Traveling This Summer? 12 Tips to Navigate Flight Cancellations

5. Which variable increases the sour factor of cucamelons?

  • Leaving them on the vine longer
  • The climate where they're grown
  • Picking them too early

The longer a cucamelon (aka a Mexican sour gherkin) stays on the vine, the more sour it becomes. To avoid excessive sourness, pick them when they're about 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) long.

Take our exotic fruits quiz:Pretty Cool Produce: The Exotic Fruits and Veggies Quiz

July 16, 2022

Answers for July 16, 2022, Quiz

1. Typical Florida snails average between 1 and 1.5 inches (2.5 and 3.8 centimeters) in length. How long can giant African land snails grow to be?

  • 3 inches (7.6 centimeters)
  • 5 inches (12.7 centimeters)
  • 8 inches (20.3 centimeters)
  • 11 inches (27.9 centimeters)

These massive mollusks dwarf all others — in Florida and anywhere else on Earth. Their shells are usually light to dark brown with vertical stripes, and they can grow up to 8 inches (20 centimeters) long. Compare that to other typical Florida snails, which average between 1 and 1.5 inches (2.5 and 3.8 centimeters) in length.

Read More: Giant African Land Snails Invade South Florida Again

2.True or false: Space is odorless.

假的。It turns out space does smell, and our solar system has a very particular scent. It's been described by astronauts as similar to the smell of something cooking on a charcoal grill.

Read More: What Does Space Smell Like?

3.What does the 1930s slang term "skivvies" mean?

  • men's underwear
  • gossip
  • the best
  • legs

The term "skivvies" means men's underwear and is just one of the funny terms used in the 1930s.

Read More: 67 Slang Terms by Decade

4.True or false: When the Gulf corvina fish mates, it's so loud it can deafen other marine animals.

True.In what might be among the loudest wildlife events on Earth, the chorus of mating Gulf corvina (Cynoscion othonopterus) fish can deafen other marine animals. The chattering sound the males make as they call the females to spawn is like a machine gun and it's the loudest sound made by any fish, anywhere.

Read More: Who Knew Fish Sex Could Be So Loud?

5. True or false: Betta fish don't require a lot of space.

假的。Perhaps the most popular myth is that bettas can live in small bowls. The opposite is true: Betta fish need a tank that's at least 5 gallons (19 liters), and 10 gallons (38 liters) is better.

Read More: 5 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Betta Fish

July 9, 2022

Answers for July 9, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: The Declaration of Independence was approved and signed July 4, 1776.

假的。One of the most enduring misconceptions about Independence Day is that the Declaration of Independence was approved and signed July 4, 1776. In fact, the Second Continental Congress voted to approve the resolution to legally separate from Great Britain on July 2, two days earlier. The approved Declaration of Independence was firstprinted onJuly 4, so that's the date on the document.

14 More Facts About the Fourth of July

2.Jyoti Amge holds the overall Guinness title of "world's shortest person (mobile)." How tall is she?

  • 1 foot
  • 1.5 feet
  • 2 feet
  • 3 feet

The overall Guinness title of "world's shortest person (mobile)" belongs to Jyoti Amge, who measured just over 2 feet (24.7 inches or 62.8 centimeters to be exact) when she took over the record in December 2011. She also holds the title of "shortest woman living (mobile)."

Read More: How Short Is the World's Smallest Person?

3.True or false: According to the United Nations, Scotland is not considered a country.

True. The Republic of Ireland is a country, but Northern Ireland is not. Northern Ireland, along with Scotland, Wales and even England are part of the United Kingdom.

Learn More: How Many Countries Are There in the World?

4.How many grams of sugar does 1 cup of mango contain?

  • 8 grams
  • 12 grams
  • 17 grams
  • 23 grams

These tropical beauties pack about 23 grams of sugar per 1 cup (236 milliliter) serving! Instead, opt for the equally exotic papaya, which has only 8.3 grams of sugar for the same serving size.

Munch on More: 6 Fruits Loaded With Sugar

5. True or false: A Dunkin' Donuts blueberry muffin is worse for your health than a Dunkin' Donuts frosted chocolate donut.

True.Although somewhat lower in saturated fat than a comparable doughnut, the blueberry muffin comes totally undone thanks to a huge sugar content.

Read More: Bagel, Muffin or Doughnut: Which Is the Best and Worst, Healthwise?

July 2, 2022

Answers for July 2, 2022, Quiz

1. True or false: Bubbles pop more quickly on a cool day than on a warmer one.

假的。One reason a bubble pops is because its water evaporates. Water evaporates faster when the air temperature is higher, so bubbles pop more quickly on a warm day than on a cooler one.

Learn More: Why Do Bubbles Pop?

2.Where did the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral actually take place?

  • A vacant lot
  • On Main Street in the city of Tombstone
  • In a corral

The famous gunfight took place in a vacant lot next to a boarding house and a photo studio, and not in a corral as Hollywood would have you believe.

Take Our Wild West Quiz!

3.True or false: The South Pole is the remotest spot on Earth.

假的。South Pole is not the remotest spot on Earth. In reality, it's not even the remotest spot in Antarctica. That distinction belongs to a spot called the Southern Pole of Inaccessibility, about 546 miles (878 kilometers) away from the South Pole, an ice-covered patch of earth that happens to be the most distant spot from the Southern Ocean on the Antarctic continent.

Read More: The World's 'Poles of Inaccessibility' Are, Well, Pretty Inaccessible

4.True or false: Calamity Jane worked on Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show performing sharpshooting tricks.

True.1895年,灾难Jane realized she could use her shooting skills to support her family and joined Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, performing sharpshooting tricks. Her drinking antics, however, cost her the job, and she was fired after touring Minneapolis, Chicago St. Louis, and Kansas City.

Read More: Calamity Jane Rode Hard, Drank Even Harder and Became a Wild West Legend

5. Of the 3.5 billion women in the world who have monthly periods, nearly_____percent do not have reliable access to pads, tampons or other feminine hygiene products.

  • 5
  • 15
  • 25

Of the 3.5 billion women in the world who have monthly periods, nearly 25 percent — more than 500 million — do not have reliable access to pads, tampons or other feminine hygiene products, and one of the primary reasons is cost.

Read More: Menstrual Leave: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

June 25, 2022

1. Which is the most dangerous place for shark attacks?

  • Volusia County, Florida
  • Hawaii
  • Queensland, Australia
  • South Africa

Volusia County, Florida, has had 337 attacks since 1882, according to the International Shark Attack File. That's not only the highest number of shark attacks recorded in Florida, but it's more than South Africa, whose attacks occurred over 2,798 miles (4,503 kilometers) of coastline, as opposed to a single county.

Read More: 10 Most Dangerous Places for Shark Attacks

2.True or false: Dyson fans use a lot of electricity and have higher consumption ratings than regular fans.

假的。Dyson fans are extremely energy efficient, so they'll keep you comfortable without increasing your electricity bill.

Learn More: How the Dyson Bladeless Fan Works

3.What did a woman named Mary Toft allegedly give birth to in 1700s England?

  • Bunnies
  • An egg
  • A demon child

Toft and her husband hid baby bunny rabbits under the sheets and pretended that she was giving birth to them. She was apparently very distressed, having suffered a miscarriage only the month before.

Take Our Hoax Quiz

4.Which plant wouldnotdo well with the addition of diluted coffee in its soil?

  • Hydrangeas
  • Roses
  • Lily of the valley
  • Azaleas

Coffee and coffee grounds are acidic and, while there are some plants that love an alkaline soil and won't do well with the addition of coffee, such as lily of the valley, lavender and honeysuckle, some plants absolutely thrive in an acidic soil.

Explore More: Don't Toss That Joe! Use Diluted Coffee to Fertilize Plants

5. True or false: Using ammonia is a safe method for keeping your dog out of your garden.

假的。Do not use ammonia as a dog repellent. While ammonia will keep dogs away from almost anything because the smell irritates their noses, it can cause damage to their throats and stomachs if consumed. Always check with your vet before using any chemical or substance around your pets.

Read More: How to Make Homemade Dog Repellent

Originally Published: Nov 19, 2020


