Infant Health

Infant Health includes information that can help keep your little one healthy and happy. Learn about baby equipment safety and tips for choosing a doctor for your infant in this section.

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In most of the world, infant formula is taken for granted. But during a shortage, you start to wonder how mothers got along before it was widespread.

ByAlia Hoyt

It turns out that colicky babies in different countries don't cry the same amount. A new study measured which nation's newborns cried most.


Being deprived of oxygen can lead to brain injuries. Strangely enough, gender can play a role in those injuries in newborns.

ByJulia Layton


MRSA is nasty infection that's worrisome enough on its own, but if you're a nursing mom, should you be concerned about passing it on to your baby?

ByDebra Ronca

Why does "Hush, Little Baby" send your wee one off to dreamland? Read on to find out how lullabies affect your baby.

ByBambi Turner

You might take your reflexes for granted but they can say a lot about your health. Learn more about reflexes and what they can reveal in a baby. writers

Sudden infant death syndrome is a mysterious death for which the parents should not be blamed and doctors have yet to fully explain. Learn about this tragedy and how to cope with it.

ByAlvin Eden&Elizabeth Eden


In an amazing turn for SIDS research, a group of scientists has published the first study that draws a conclusive link between anatomy and SIDS risk. Learn all about it.

ByJulia Layton
