
innovatedcaptures /思想库

你先点头说:“嗯。”Then you check your watch. You survey the room, searching for escape, but there's no hope. Your eyes glaze over. "Uh-huh." Being trapped by an incessant talker isn't an unusual problem, and if you find it happening to you pretty regularly, you can help! It's going to take courage, honesty and kindness on your part, but all those who have been cornered by one-way conversationalists will salute you.




首先检查。寻求许可提供反馈等一行,“我可以告诉你一些我注意到吗?”Once the talker gives consent, make a clear statement about the behavior you've seen and offer a focused observation. Don't just throw out a blanket, "You talk too much." Be specific. For example, "During our recent book club discussion, you didn't allow me to give my point of view. When I tried, you talked over me," or, "We spent most of the meeting today hearing your point of view. Three people were trying to raise their concerns as well, but they didn't get a chance to do it." Keep control of the conversation and don't allow this to become a discussion; you're providing feedback. Avoid complaints, insults or sweeping generalizations. Comments like, "People hate it when you talk too much" or, "You never let anyone else speak" can trigger anger or defensiveness. That won't lead to the behavioral changes you want.

当然,如果你是一个人的老板,情况有些不同。设置阶段就是一个很好的例子,开始出现问题的情况:“我想和你谈谈我们今天在我们的会议的小组讨论。”Then, note the specific behavior that caused a problem: "When Mark tried to speak, you continued to talk over him for several minutes." Finally, describe how this behavior had a real impact on work: "Mark had important updates about the software we're using, which he needed to share — but because we ran out of time, he didn't get to."

然后,您可以推荐的。你想发生什么干预的结果吗?从来没有听到说话的另一个词吗?这是不会发生的,这不是你想要的。明确,你会更容易成功。试”,在会议期间,请不要说话每次超过一分钟”,或者“在讨论,你让一个点后,请让别人回应。”Now the talker knows your limits and has something to aim for. Talking too much is a习惯,所以你可能需要不止一次的过程。要有耐心和坚定,你就会得到回报——沉默。




  • 阿德勒,沃伦。“18新利最新登入如何应对那些说话太多了。”The Huffington Post. April 22, 2012. (April 9, 2015)
  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/warren-adler/18新利最新登入how-to-cope-with-people-w_b_1290766.html
  • 师,彼得。“别好;是有益的。”Harvard Business Review. March 16, 2011. (April 9, 2015)
  • 师,彼得。“别好;是有益的。”Harvard Business Review. March 16, 2011. (April 9, 2015) https://hbr.org/2011/03/dont-be-nice-be-helpful/
  • Kroplick, Marilyn。“圈应用于注意力缺陷障碍(ADD)。”Johns Hopkins School of Education. 2012. (April 9, 2015)
  • Kroplick, Marilyn。“圈应用于注意力缺陷障碍(ADD)。”Johns Hopkins School of Education. 2012. (April 9, 2015) http://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/Exceptional%20Learners/ADD%20ADHD/Articles/Speaking%20Circles%20Applied%20to%20Attention%20Deficit%20Disorder/
  • 礼仪小姐。“不可以惩罚陌生人。”Uexpress. March 17, 2011. (April 9, 2015) http://www.uexpress.com/miss-manners/2011/3/17/not-ok-to-chastise-strangers
  • 纽曼,詹妮弗。“这是motor18新利最新登入mouth如何处理办公室。”Vancouver Sun. March 1, 2012. (April 9, 2015) http://www.vancouversun.com/Here+deal+with+office+motormouth/5744137/story.html#__federated=1
  • Scivicque,克里希。“18新利最新登入如何处理同事股票太多了。”Forbes. July 17, 2013. (April 9, 2015)
  • Scivicque,克里希。“18新利最新登入如何处理同事股票太多了。”Forbes. July 17, 2013. (April 9, 2015) http://www.forbes.com/sites/work-in-progress/2013/07/17/17070/


