
Purestock /思想库

你可能有相同的内心独白每次你约一或两人在你的生活中。“真的吗?我是3英尺远离你。你为什么说话这么大声?我能听到你!”Or maybe, "You are so loud. Your desk is on the other side of the office, but I can't even hear myself think." If someone you know has a natural volume between a shout and a roar, it's acceptable to say something if it's truly interfering with your comfort or productivity. It's also OK if it's someone important in your life, who is going to be embarrassed after realizing they've been drowning out the rest of the restaurant for 30 minutes.



接近一个陌生人大声说话可能是艰巨的,在很多情况下,这真是不值得培养。但也有一些例外。一个失眠的红眼航班。毁了浪漫晚餐。电影你几乎可以听到。像这一次,没关系的话,礼貌地请求,“你能说一点安静吗?”You won't always get cooperation — or even a polite response — but nothing will change if you don't try. You can also ask a flight attendant, wait staff, or movie theater manager to intervene.

告诉一个朋友或家庭成员,他们大声讲话是一种对话,应该私下处理。如果你想找一个更谨慎的,你发什么消息如果你广播的抱怨?进行观察和请求,避免使用“你”,“你太大声说话。”Though it may be true, it comes across as accusatory, which doesn't inspire cooperation. "Your voice" identifies the problem without laying blame, so try saying, "You probably don't realize, but your voice can really carry." You may have to offer reminders periodically, since loud talking is often a well-established习惯。看看你们两个能够达成协议,在一个安静的线索——一个信号或短语——这是有效的但不是进攻。技巧之一是故意小声说话,对方往往会得到提示和他或她的声音低回报。


如果你学习你讨厌别人,不要防守。听并提供解决问题的方法。然后,轮到你说话谈论体积。直接批评可能无法顺利结束,所以试着把问题归咎于可怜的隔音,薄墙或坏的音响。这种方式你寻求帮助的一个常见问题。承认自己对噪声敏感,表达你的不满你的不幸的过敏症。说,“在办公室里,你的声音,我可以听到它很容易。”Ask for help with the situation and listen to recommendations. Suggest a mutually agreed-upon verbal or nonverbal quiet cue, just as you did with your acquaintance above. With this plan in mind, set a date to check in with each other and measure progress. If you oil that squeaky chair, maybe your office mate will speak more softly.





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  • 小姐的行为。“你能低沉的声音太大声说话?”Boston.com. May 7, 2006. (April 14, 2015) http://www.boston.com/news/globe/magazine/articles/2006/05/07/how_can_you_muffle_a_too_loud_talker/?page=full
  • Shellenbarger,苏。“这是你真的说话了18新利最新登入吗?”The Wall Street Journal. April 23, 2013. (April 14, 2015) http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424127887323735604578440851083674898
  • 杰奎琳·史密斯。“18新利最新登入如何巧妙地告诉一个嘈杂的同事闭嘴。”Business Insider. Nov. 20, 2014. (April 14, 2015) http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-tell-a-noisy-coworker-to-shut-up-2014-11

