印度教信仰多元化的表现的一个终极实在是更好地描述为“一元论”或“1”。Different schools of Hinduism also qualify as pantheistic ("all existence is Divine") or panentheistic ("all existence is within the Divine").
印度教和佛教(以及耆那教和锡克教)分享信仰业力和转世。印度教教导我们,当神圣的形式,这是封装灵魂或“灵魂。”This soul, which exists within every form of reality (not just humans and animals, but even nonliving things like rivers and rocks), is eternal and cannot be destroyed. Instead, when one form passes away — through死亡、腐烂或破坏——灵魂继续居住在一种新形式。
舒克拉说,一个更好的翻译murti是“化身”。Much like all of existence is believed to be an embodiment of the Divine, the image of a Hindu god or goddess is understood to be an embodiment of a certain aspect of the Divine. Amurti女神萨拉斯瓦提体现了学习和智慧,而murti女神拉克希米的繁荣的体现。
这个词大师意思是“黑暗驱除者”。In Hinduism, a guru is an enlightened spiritual teacher who dispels the "darkness" of ignorance and guides his or her students on a path toward开悟。