世俗化的想法,新时代的业力的时刻关注。报纸和杂志使用这个词的标题或副标题加点色彩鲜艳的天赋。餐馆石膏他们提示jar和有前途的好业力只有迹象美元或两个。歌手思考的力量模糊报复性的业力在歌曲如“即时业力”和“因果报应”。And according to the社会保障局“业力”甚至进入前1000名婴儿名字女孩在2006年[来源:SSA]。但什么是业力,它是如何得到移植从东方宗教对西方18新利最新登入流行文化?
业力是东方宗教的核心概念印度教、佛教、锡克教和耆那教。“业力”一词源于梵文词“卡门”,这意味着“行动。”In general, it is believed that actions affect the quality of life and the quality of future lives. Good deeds create good karma and evil deeds create negative karma. Karma's effect can manifest immediately, later in life or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs reincarnation. Others believe that karma is actual particulate matter, something that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of piety.