Josh Clark

Josh Clark


乔什·克拉克想be a professional writer since his third-grade teacher told him a short story he wrote was kind of good. He's written ever since. He's a former senior writer for HowStuffWorks and current co-host of theStuff You Should Know podcast. Josh lives with his wife, Umi. The pair really, really enjoys traveling, solving mysteries, having pizza parties and visiting museums (both renowned and obscure). Josh has been to the real-life house that served as the Robin's Nest on "Magnum, P.I." and is on an indefinite hiatus from being a jerk.

Recent Contributions

Humans can express emotion in a variety of ways, from the written word to spoken communication. But what is it about music and art in particular that has the power to move us?

ByJosh Clark

If you have a car with a battery that needs replacement, follow the steps outlined in our article. We'll show you how to change your car battery easily.

ByJosh Clark&Talon Homer

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the most fashionable Europeans gazed upon wunderkammern, or cabinets of curiosity. But Peter the Great's collection didn't appeal to those with weak stomachs.

ByJosh Clark


The concept of revenge predates legal history; you could even say that it's part of who we are as humans. But sometimes the need for vengeance can kick into overdrive – as in these 12 infamous acts of revenge.

ByJosh Clark,Alia Hoyt&Patrick J. Kiger

Discussing what goes on in the bathroom is considered taboo in many social circles, but you should be having frank discussions about your waste if you own a septic tank. What's the protocol for dealing with fecal matter?

ByJosh Clark&Melanie Radzicki McManus

水是氢和氧,所以为什么我们不能do what nature does and combine the two? Unfortunately, it's not that simple, and the results can be rather ... explosive.

ByJosh Clark&Jennifer Walker-Journey

Genghis Khan is said to have killed 1,748,000 people in one hour. But is that possible? If not, what really happened?

ByJosh Clark


The U.S. and Soviet Union fought the Cold War for 45 years via proxy wars and a near-complete polarization of the rest of the world. But did either side really win?

ByJosh Clark&Kristen Hall-Geisler

Getting shot is not something anybody hopes will happen, but if it does, where is the best place to take a bullet? Find out what the experts think.

ByJosh Clark&Francisco Guzman

Maybe you've sung along with that well-known tune: "Davy, Davy Crockett, king of the wild frontier." But have you ever wondered how he earned that royal title?

ByJosh Clark

Even if you've heard the term, you may not know how important habeas corpus is to the U.S. Constitution. How can an ancient Latin phrase for "you have the body" be so relevant today?

ByJosh Clark


The idiom says whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Is it the mysterious power of Murphy's Law, or is it simply people who give the law relevance?

ByJosh Clark

Overloaded outlets and poorly made power strips can cause an electrical overload that can ruin your holiday plans. How many plugs does it take to start a fire?

ByJosh Clark

If you've picked up a newspaper lately, then you're aware of the economic troubles raging on Wall Street. But the culprit may very well be in your own neighborhood: Are mortgage-backed securities to blame for the mess?

ByJosh Clark

The game of dominoes is quite simple -- all you have to do is connect tiles with the same number of pips to each other until you have none left. Playing the game is simple, but winning is another story.

ByJosh Clark


You'd think that earthworms are good for fish bait and little else, but that isn't the case at all. Earthworms are the engines that help local ecosystems run. They aerate soil, help facilitate plant composition and so much more.

ByJosh Clark

With your checklist and cleaning supplies in hand, you're ready to scrub your house from top to bottom. But where does this seasonal tradition come from?

ByJosh Clark

Joe Biden won the 2020 U.S. presidential election, securing the most votes ever. How did he get there and what are his goals as president?

ByJosh Clark&Dave Roos

World War I lasted more than four horrific years. But that first Christmas, soldiers from both sides spontaneously put down their guns, shook hands and celebrated together.

ByJosh Clark


When the framers of the Constitution considered an executive branch, they were still stinging from the despotic rule of King George III. But, they saw the need for a single person to lead. Enter the president of the United States.

ByJosh Clark&Melanie Radzicki McManus

This American institution began with Abraham Lincoln following Stephen Douglas on the campaign trail. Today, the presidential debate is one of the most anticipated markers of candidates' campaigns.

ByJosh Clark&Melanie Radzicki McManus

When Gov. John White left Roanoke to gather supplies from England, he was astonished at what he found when he returned. The colonists were gone, their houses were gone and the only clue to their whereabouts was a tree carved with the word "CROATOAN."

ByJosh Clark&Nathan Chandler

Political primaries let voters choose which candidate they want to represent their political party as president. But not everyone is happy with the process. What are the problems, and can they be fixed?

ByJosh Clark&Kathryn Whitbourne


Can a dead stingray's sting kill you? It's highly unlikely, but you'd still be in for a world of hurt if you get stung.

ByJosh Clark

What makes the American Revolution stand out in world history? Was it the introduction of guerrilla warfare or its stage outside the borders of its parent nation? All those were noteworthy, but the real revolution was what the Revolution created.

ByJosh Clark&Dave Roos
