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假设图4中的物体在阳光下是一个车轮上的光时钟。光钟措施时间发送一束光从底部板,顶板然后反射回板底部。光时钟似乎是最好的衡量时间以来速度保持不变的运动无关。在图4中,我们走到光时钟和发现它需要1秒的光从底部到顶部和底部回了。现在看看图5所示。在这个例子中,光钟向右滚动,但我们是静止的。如果我们可以看到光束时钟滚过去的我们,我们会看到光束角的盘子。如果你困惑,看看图4,你会发现发送梁和接收波束发生在阳光下,因此,钟不动。现在看看图5,送梁发生在太阳下,但反射的光束返回当钟在闪电下,因此时钟是向右滚动。这个告诉我们的是什么? We know that the clock standing still sends and receives at 1-second intervals. We also know that the speed of light is constant. Regardless of where we are, we would measure the light beam in fig 4 and fig 5 to be the exact same speed. But Fig 5 looks like the light traveled farther because the arrows are longer. And guess what, it did. It took the light longer to make one complete send and receive cycle, but the speed of the light was unchanged. Because the light traveled farther and the speed was unchanged, this could only mean that the time it took was longer. Remember speed is distance / time, so the only way for the speed to be unchanged when the distance increases is for the time to also increase.


