2019年秋天,《纽约时报》刊登的一篇文章题为“雌雄同体之外:二进制十几岁的时尚”,引用十几岁的音乐家比利Eilish的风格。在这个故事中,作者指Eilish“双性同体”的超大号的,宽松的衣服,她的声明中,性别角色是“古老”,和她的地位“anti-Britney长矛,anti-Katy佩里。”But the author also notes that Perry herself said in 2017 that she was ready to trade in "cutesy" for more "androgynous, architectural" looks herself. While you may be familiar with the term "androgyny," and even how it's represented through fashion, can you conflate it or interchange it with some of the other terms it often stands beside, like "非”和“genderfluid”?
贝尔罗斯是一个系的博士生和教学助理哲学锡拉丘兹大学使用代词“他们”。They are careful to point out that while they identify as androgynous, genderfluid and nonbinary, they can't speak on behalf of everyone who identifies as any one or more of these descriptors — which, for the record, are entirely distinct things.
“非是一个总括的术语,它描述了一个性别身份的人都不是严格的“两大”二元分类,”贝尔说。”有很多不同的身份,伞下。”But according to Bell, while some people who identify as androgynous may also identify as nonbinary, one doesn't equal the other — especially in terms of physical appearance. "It's important to remember that not all nonbinary people have androgynous gender presentation!" they say. "Nonbinary is about who you are, not about how you look."