在圣经研究圈子里,神秘的原始文本被称为“Q”的简称您德国词“源”。No one has unearthed an actual copy of Q, but it's a handy way for explaining why Matthew and Luke share several key Bible passages like the Beatitudes, while the other gospels don't.
同样的矛盾适用于圣经关于饥饿。在路加福音中,耶稣祝福那些“饥饿的人有福了。因为你会满意”,宣称“你们现在吃的人有祸了,因为你们将挨饿。”Again, it sounds like the authors of Luke have Jesus talking about physical hunger.
但在马太福音,耶稣祝福”那些饥饿和干渴的公义,因为他们必得饱足。”Hungering for righteousness is not the same as hungering for bread, so which one is right?